Saturday, 11 February 2012

Excellent photograph's of the vessel's of the Isle of Man, and others.

Many Thanks to All photographers involved.

Link Is://
The Victorian Pier at Llandudno is not at present, or for some time, been able to be called at.

This should be a priority for the 2012 season's of Waverley and Balmoral, as this is an important excursion Market,

Being described as the Finest Excursion in Britain, round Anglesey, on a Balmoral timetable.

Llandudno Pier.

The pier at Llandudno has been for some while now,

Not been able to be called at.

This is an important cruising market for Excursion Ship's, Waverley and Balmoral,

Going into Season, 2012.
